La6Muerte66's Journal

La6Muerte66's Journal


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19 entries this month

She got the message!!!

16:36 Oct 31 2008
Times Read: 757

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21:19 Oct 31 2008

You know, I wish more people had journal entries like this :P

YAY indeed :D


Hmm, how many ways are there to let you know?

15:21 Oct 31 2008
Times Read: 776

Oceanne, you blocked me accidentally. It is in your best interest to unblock me if you're expecting me to reply to any of your messages. Case in point, you sent me a message telling me you double-commented on my journal. I attempted to reply and forgot you'd blocked me. You should probably do something about it before you begin to think I'm ignoring you. lol.



15:31 Oct 31 2008

Crap..Sorry about that.Im glad you posted this. I have had that happen to me before.And today my mouse is giving me all kinds of grief.Hell youre on my fav. journals..I wouldnt block youz.

15:35 Oct 31 2008

You're freeeee.

Btw,how long has this been? I dont block anyone so I dont even look down there.


Seriously, WTF?

14:56 Oct 31 2008
Times Read: 789

One of the most confusing conversations ever...

On 14:40:49 Oct 31 2008 (-0 GMT) sexkiller wrote:


On 14:42:41 Oct 31 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

Well hello there. What's up?

On 14:43:30 Oct 31 2008 (-0 GMT) sexkiller wrote:

lookin at u wow

On 14:45:20 Oct 31 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

lol. Thanks. How, may I ask, did you stumble across my profile in the first place? Just a little curious.

On 14:45:44 Oct 31 2008 (-0 GMT) sexkiller wrote:


Message To: sexkiller

????? Doesn't answer my question, but alrighty then...



15:10 Oct 31 2008

Ummm yeh,oky.That is some brilliant convo there.mmhmm.

03:32 Nov 18 2008

Wow, that is too funny and sad at the same time.


By the way...

17:02 Oct 30 2008
Times Read: 789

I can kick your ass in a game of dominoes. This is undeniable fact.



15:09 Oct 31 2008

And I can kick yours in checkers.:) Game?



18:39 Oct 24 2008
Times Read: 804

This time, I just had to put a conversation in order. This one was funny.

On 16:41:14 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) usetobebloodytearsoflonlieness wrote:

ello i use to talk to u thought id try getting back to talking 2 u

On 16:59:46 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

Did you ever have a profile called idreamoflonliness?

On 17:02:18 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) usetobebloodytearsoflonlieness wrote:

bloodytearsoflonlieness yeah

On 17:27:32 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

So you were completely unaware that I blocked your old profile?

FROM: usetobebloodytearsoflonlieness

bite me ass hole

She blocked me after that. Being an asshole is fun. People need to learn, however, that if I blocked them once, I'm not going to talk to them on a new profile. Any attempt to do so on their part is a waste of time, however amusing to me.

I might add, my reply to her last message was going to be:
"No thanks, I'm not keen on biting off more than I can chew." Too bad. I would have liked to see her response.



18:45 Oct 24 2008

you,re right it was funny.

15:12 Oct 31 2008

HELL to the no!



I was able to drag out a bit of a conversation at least...

18:31 Oct 24 2008
Times Read: 807

You can't seriously expect me to rearrange these messages so that they're in order. Just read them from the bottom up. She seriously believes (or at least claims) she's an immortal vampire. It's here for your eyes to behold!

well we do exist and you are the one full of shit. did it ever occur to you that we are all different? not all like YOU. since all this is about YOU anyway?

On a side note, it's always about me. lol.

On 17:17:09 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

I still find it hard to believe that a fictional character from a book made you into a creature that doesn't exist.

You think??? No psychic vampire doesn't know their own age, and they aren't turned. We're born that way.

Thank you for your "real" answer, because it now appears that, roleplaying aside, you're still full of shit.

On 17:04:01 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) daughteroflestat wrote:

so am i. so back off. now. i was made about 120 years ago. am about 20 in human years i think. you want a real answer, there you go.

On 16:34:41 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

Because I, like most people I converse with on here, am a psychic vampire. Real condition, real metaphysics, real energy work. I don't roleplay and find people that bring it into serious discussions are endlessly annoying.

On 13:21:58 Oct 24 2008 (-0 GMT) daughteroflestat wrote:

'kay, so tell my why you are on here then.

On 20:43:48 Oct 23 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

Alright, I was going to try to drag and explanation out of you, but failing that, are you seriously delusional, or just so completely absorbed in an rpg that it's distorted your concept of reality?

On 13:19:23 Oct 23 2008 (-0 GMT) daughteroflestat wrote:

i can't tell you how exactly, i am forbidden. but i am of the de Lioncourt family line. my "father" is lestat. he is who made me what i am years and years ago.

On 22:35:15 Oct 22 2008 (-0 GMT) La6Muerte66 wrote:

Do tell me all about how you became a vampire. I find it truly fascinating.



15:14 Oct 31 2008

HAH! omg.

Facinating indeed...

15:14 Oct 31 2008

HAH! omg.

Facinating indeed...

15:17 Oct 31 2008

By the way, Oceanne, you still have me blocked....

15:32 Oct 31 2008

I do? Well Ill take care of that right now.I wondered why you werent writing me!


Dammit, she wouldn't give me an explanation...

21:46 Oct 23 2008
Times Read: 822

So I sent daughteroflestat this message:


Do tell me all about how you became a vampire. I find it truly fascinating."

I was hoping for a good story to laugh at, but all I got was this:

"i can't tell you how exactly, i am forbidden. but i am of the de Lioncourt family line. my "father" is lestat. he is who made me what i am years and years ago."

WTF? I want a story, dammit!



22:12 Oct 23 2008

you must obviously know that lestat de lioncourt is a fictional character in anne rice's books,so that all together proves she is not an immortal vampire

23:51 Oct 23 2008

00:48 Oct 24 2008

No shit, Mortalitas, but I still want these people to make even bigger fools of themselves before I call them out. This is hardly a roleplaying site, and everyone that makes my stay here any less enjoyable by dragging their fiction into it is going to find their stay that much less enjoyable.

18:51 Oct 24 2008

Hon, so people are just sick in the head and can,t be helped , they like there little make believe world.



Xzavier, the reason we allow some people to breathe is so that we can laugh at them.

23:14 Oct 22 2008
Times Read: 832

Case in point:


Mosquito (2)

Posts: 2

ahh, i am an immortal vampire. and let me tell you, it's not all it's made up to be my love. a lot of responsibility and pain comes naturally along with it. don't be so eager to start your journey down our path. and it is also not your choice when or where it happens. it is a matter of destiny and if you are chosen, then like it or not, you will eventually become a vampire.

Short response: Fucking shoot yourself, because you're wasting air that could be better used on productive brain cells.




I just found the comment that fucking bitch left me...

23:00 Oct 22 2008
Times Read: 833

Apparently, people are incapable of understanding the purpose of this journal. Explaining that it's almost exclusively for entertainment purposes as well as an outlet for my anger is a waste of time, so I'm done doing so. If someone has a problem with what I say, I'll be just as ruthless to them personally. That's right. Fuck being nice. I'm done. People want to be fucking stupid, then I'm going to treat them accordingly. None of this "benefit of the doubt". If I think you're an idiot, I'm going to treat you like an idiot until I either never have to see an example of your idiocy ever again, or you pay me. Yes, I mean money. The latter being all but impossible, I guess you should be able to reason that I'm not going to stop making fun of you. Then again, you're probably a fucking imbecile too, so nevermind. Just shut up and go away. I'm done giving people second chances.

Here's the comment that stupid fuck left me. Even though her use of the language is terrible, I could divine enough of the meaning to reason that she's also a fucking dumbass as well:

"hello,maybe you can start what you felt by delete it, because what you do,is just make you look so faker and no life whatsoever to live with.

good day."

I never said I felt bad about ranting on your post, you ignorant shit. I apologized because I knew you'd be offended. Hence the comment and insulting reply AFTER being reasonably nice the first few messages. I'd guess you finally read the entry before you decided to be a bitch. Just goes to show the power of my words. Remember people, if someone ONLINE can make you feel bad, YOU HAVE SOME FUCKING ISSUES!

(btw, I'm especially angry today because I'm moving back to CT, away from my friends and the Houston scene I've grown so fond of. Seriously, I got pretty depressed. I have 4 days to say my goodbyes to everyone.




Shitty quotes for the week...

22:52 Oct 20 2008
Times Read: 850

This is getting fun, exposing shitty quotes and the dumbasses who post them. I don't know if it's mental illness, failure at creativity, or just plain stupidity, but something is inspiring people to write some godawful quotes for their profiles.


"Love Is Fear If You Fear Me I Will Eat You"

Well, some quotes speak for themselves...


"i believe in people dying"

Amazing. Welcome to reality, genius.


"know one understands us"

I'm going to ask anyway... Who exactly is this "one" who understands, and who also is this "us"? You're leaving cliffhangers for no reason! Seriously, for a 27-year-old you have some big-time vocabulary issues.

lights Yes, that is actually someone's username.

"Life is great, without it you'd be dead."

And this year's Nobel Prize goes to......... Captain Fucking Obvious!!!!!!!

I'm tired. 4 quotes is enough for one day. By the way, if anyone wants to see another person ridiculed (or themselves for that matter), give me a link or a username. Make sure it's something easy though. I'm lazy like that.



23:55 Oct 20 2008

It must be in the water.


I'm praying this isn't serious...

22:24 Oct 20 2008
Times Read: 854

Same topic as the last post, ridiculous for a different reason.


Shade (9)

Posts: 8

I agree with CryingDutchess. Though I'm a lycan not a vampyre, both are generally immortal except for sunlight and beheading for the vampyres and silver bullets- anything silver for that matter- and beheading.

There's not a whole lot more I can say that this post doesn't say for itself, but goddamn, some people are fucking stupid! Either that or they're delusional. If I interpreted this correctly, he's claiming that he's a lycan (not ridiculous in and of itself), and that he's IMMORTAL! I mean, what the fuck, people? I'd expect more sense from someone older than me, but once again, I stand corrected. I guess I give some people too much undeserved credit.




Amazing use of the language...

22:12 Oct 20 2008
Times Read: 856

While browsing my current favorite topic in the forum I stumbled upon this lovely post:


Shade (9)

Posts: 22

like i said,yes they are exist somwhere.

but im afraid you not gonna get those question

because :

1. they not telling around who they are.


2. they don't need any attention that much.

Well which is it? Any attention, or just not that much attention?

3. they immortality is more beautiful than anything,so why on earth someone knowing about they able to make more happier.

See reaction to first statement...

4. be on net,only one reason.talk to the stranger without any complicated than talk or show in front of human.is the best way to be.

Seriously, I give up. Can anyone figure out what the fuck is being said here?

and beautiful is not only about the way its look.

Firstly, I'll just point you back to the thread I'm referring to so I don't have to waste my time putting forth my arguments against her actual opinions. That aside, her use of the English language is atrocious, as you can plainly see. RIDICULE!!!

*Update: This bitch blocked me after I apologized. How do you like that? Fuck her then. See what happens when I try to be kind for once?




Yarrgh... Ye'll be walkin' the plank t'night, matey!

19:14 Oct 18 2008
Times Read: 867

I'm speeding on Vyvanse (aka adderall) and wearing an eye patch because of my pinkeye, and now I feel compelled to talk like a pirate to any- and everyone I speak to. lol. This is entertaining. Plus, if they give me shit for it, I can rub my eye and poke them, causing them to panic and possibly even get pinkeye themselves. This is great! (Well, not that great, but it's better than suffering.)





00:48 Oct 17 2008
Times Read: 877

Or pinkeye, as it's more commonly known. I have it, and I'm NOT HAPPY. I got some eye drops, so it'll clear up in few days, but until then I have to SUFFER, and it's not very fun at all, let me tell you....



02:38 Oct 17 2008

Don't touch no one!! it's very contagious. Feel better soon.

15:14 Oct 17 2008

No.... shit.... lol. You should see the reactions when I tell people I have pinkeye. They look horrified, and kinda edge away. It's not like I'm being unsafe about it. I wash my hands all the friggin' time, I don't touch my eye or anything near it with my right hand whenever possible so it stays as clean as possible, and I sleep most of the time so I'm not around people. But whatever. It'll go away soon enough.

22:28 Oct 18 2008

Did someone fart on your pillow?


Stupid quotes for the day...

01:49 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 892

Twillight: "I can smell the fear you posess!"

Fear is an emotion, which is experienced, not possessed. FAIL.

vampirestorm89: "i am a mean vampire"

Impressive. I'm totally shaking in fear...

Concortemanon: "That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die."

Kidding. This one's not stupid. Lovecraft is fucking awesome.

ladybathory09: "the raven never more"

vampcat: '"nevermore" the raven said.'

Bottom line: if you can't quote it properly, you just look like an even bigger poser.




Yep, it's definitely starting again...

23:18 Oct 08 2008
Times Read: 903

The notoriety seems to be blooming again. Maybe I should start writing more often again...




As if they don't expect it...

14:19 Oct 08 2008
Times Read: 932

This is a message I received from ravenvampire in response to my journal. Is it starting again??? *crosses fingers*

I just wanted to say that u are a very rude and

racist person. If you cant be a least a lil bit compassion for those who are here and learning English unlike some people who wouldn't even try to speak another language. (hint hint) if you cant be a lil nicer to people on here then you should get the hell off. You racist creaton. You have no right to talk about people who are trying to learn and speak English. I hope you go to Germany one day and find out how demonlovesyou feels when he can understand what we are talking about but can not form the sentences that will help us understand what he is talking about. i also want to say that if you are going to pick on some get someone who is just as wimpy as you but aleast try to look like real man and is most likely a real unlike you... plus if you dont want people to bite y do you look like an easy meal also y would you ask animekikei a question u know she cant answer on another note she is 17 amost 18 and u would know that if you read her f***ing profile dumbass.....and i really dont care if you block me. I have said all that i need too.

Oh one last thing...

Do unto others as you wish to be done to you....

Let's work in reverse-March Hare-order (aka end-to-beginning)...

On principle, since you bit me I'm obligated to block you, though it would probably irritate you more if I didn't.

I sent Animekikei a question so she would put some sort of effort into a response before realizing I'd blocked her. I'm mean. Get over it. And I could give a shit what her age is. I read her birthdate as 1991 and assumed the youngest possibility (wrongly, I admit, but even the best make trivial mistakes).

I don't want people to bite me. This is old news. I don't find it flattering (as it says on my profile, I know I'm hot, and thanks for the compliment INSIDE OF AN INTENDEDLY INSULTING MESSAGE), and it provides a person with a substitute for genuine conversation starters. I respond just as bluntly to messages like "ur hot", etc.

As for pick someone as wimpy as me... umm... so are you implying that if I keep insulting people like yourself online, you're going to kick my ass? Also, it's too late to insult my appearance since we already know you and Animekikei agree that I'm hot. Given your profile images, I can safely assume you're not as confident in your appearance as I am in my own. (Basically, you're either ugly or fat-and-ugly, since fat=ugly. Everyone knows my opinion on the matter.)

As for demonlovesyou...

Firstly, if he has a problem with what I say, let him tell me himself, jackass. Are you arrogant enough to assume that you know what's in his best interests? Personally, I have nothing against him. I have an aversion to his public butchering of the English language when there is a plethora of resources available to help him make his point clear, since it's OBVIOUS that English isn't his first language! Funny though, that you mention Germany. I'll be visiting there sometime in the near future as my brother lives there. However, not being able to communicate with others due to language barrier is something I'm already familiar with. I live in Houston, and anyone else who lives in Houston and knows the majority population would know what I'm talking about.

Btw, it's either cretin or creation, least likely the latter, but certainly not a linguistic combination of the two. Every computer nowadays has spell check. USE IT.

Because I failed to mention it earlier, I speak bits of French, Spanish, and Greek (VERY little Greek). I know how hard it is to learn a language, especially one as ass-backwards as English, this bastard-child of Germanic and Romance language. I don't believe I said anything to the contrary. Nice of you to assume though. ;-)

Also, I have a right to say anything I want so long as it doesn't directly incite violence. You know this. It's the first amendment in the Bill of Rights. You acquired it when you came here as well. You used it. You should therefore understand that everyone else can speak their minds as well.

Finally, I'm curious where I indicated in any way that I was biased against demonlovesyou because of his race. Matter of fact, I'd like to see a direct quote where I say anything bad about anyone's race, EVER. What I insulted is (as I've already stated,) his misuse of English. The fact that he's from India merely serves to indicate that English isn't his first language (I hope) and should therefore decrease the offense of my remarks. I might add, your English seems decent on your profile, so why did you feel the need to type so atrociously in your message?

Overall, this message serves as yet another example of

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14:30 Oct 08 2008


oh gosh I think my heart gave out!

This is way to funny, I actually have tears in my eyes!

I hope you sent ravenvampire a link to this master piece!

18:30 Oct 08 2008

You go babe!! I love ya.

23:35 Oct 08 2008

That person sounds fucking retarded.

23:46 Oct 08 2008

They complained to their Sire friend and then I got a third-person bitching-at. It happens. lol.

11:22 Oct 09 2008

Yeh,well if THEY would have read YOUR profile,they wouldnt have bitten you in the first place.

And actually? she pretty much insults him too,by assuming that he actually needs her to stand up for him..


Speaks for itself, really...

14:41 Oct 07 2008
Times Read: 956

Newest thread in the forum, written by demonlovesyou, quoted directly:

How you feel fyre does work on you metaphysically?

Posted: 08:36:07 - Oct 07 2008

Times viewed: 3


Fire I do get as the rpotection to my celestial dimension and it is fastest vehicle to me...

it give me rest and nurture me by purifying my psychic energy.

when i gained excess energy from space and yet not jujbed, I go to sun's surface to rest there or do relaxing exercise in the sphere of fire some time... this I use occassionally. I used it to lock the aura target too in my vision once... but its past ow i do not have that deep subconscous these days...

yet if not usethe locking, i can go any tme at sun or fire is arround me at least subconscious too coz fire is the element i am mixed of... fire is easiest to use in subconscious... than other things. it protect you too from the variation of gravity and velocity in astral visit ifyour conscious is high.

Need I say more?



14:45 Oct 07 2008

Someone get the kid a Dictionary.

Or a helmet. SAND DOWN ALL CORNERS IN IT'S AREA and for the love of god. Dont let it near bus windows

14:53 Oct 07 2008

He's from India, that's why he doesn't know English very well

15:11 Oct 07 2008



You're not really grasping the concept behind this journal, are you?

btw, did you really think I wouldn't block your 16-year-old ass?


The Elegant Universe

16:04 Oct 04 2008
Times Read: 962

Read this book if you haven't already. I'm in the third chapter and I'm being thoroughly confused by the concepts of quantum mechanics, wave functions, string theory, and other cool shit.

And because of something I've read in the book, I'm going to keep walking into the nearest wall until I pass clean through. Quantum tunneling is badass.



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